Excellent piece. As that eminent technologist, T.S. Eliot, wrote in 1934,

"They constantly try to escape

From the darkness outside and within

By dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good."

Thus with visions of beneficent AI everywhere.

On a somewhat darker note, in "Coming of Age in the Milky Way" Timothy Ferris talks about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and wonders whether our own virtually contemporary mastery of rockets and nuclear weapons generalized, dramatically lowering the odds that any civilization got off its own planet.

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This is Niall Ferguson at his absolute best. In this one article, he answers through direct experiential and observable answers, the serious questions which are facing all humanity today. By referencing Henry Kissinger in depth, as well as others who enlighten the history beautifully, he explains why this is a perfect place to be in a Time Machine.

Thank you Niall.

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